Cloud GrPHIC

Hello again! I am Babak,

I'm a user experience and user interface designer based in Fairfax, Virginia.
With one foot in art & design and the other in the technologies used to implement ideas, I love to collaborate and flex my communication, organizational, and strategic thinking capabilities.
With a bachelor's in architecture and a master's degree in interior design. immigrated from Iran to Canada, and in 2020 left Canada for the United States.
With my expertise in art and architecture, I've realized that I can improve the aesthetics of web pages and applications while also improving their functionality and usability. I have lived in Iran, Canada, and the United States, and I am fluent in English and a native Farsi speaker.
My fields of interest cover areas such as Fintech, Edtech, Healthcare, Smart Homes, Cryptocurrency, and etc.
Take a look around if you like what you see, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn, download my resume, or set up a coffee date via email.

Personal Photo

I began my bachelor's of architectural studies at a university in my first country, and then immediately began my master's degree in interior design.
I began working in an architectural firm while pursuing my bachelor's degree, and when I began my master's degree, I moved my line of work to interior design in a company in this industry. The company was representative of Italian Berloni. company. I put forth a lot of effort and was eventually voted as the company's interior design manager.

Water colour painting

In two different companies, I gradually began to work in both architecture and interior design. I was chosen as a project manager for a few projects at the architecture firm (Shora Consulting Engineers).
I was also working on some personal projects at the same time.

You can see my architectural period experiences here.

After relocating to North America, I've found out that the architecture in the new location differs from that of my home country. Gradually, I realized that computer skills would be more useful these days. After taking a few web programming courses in Canada and earning some computer science credits when I moved to the United States, I discovered that UX/UI is the subject for me. That's how I got into user experience and user interface, which is what I'm passionate about!

The architecture and interior design were beautiful, but what I found most fascinating was that during the UX design and UI implementation process, I became more aware of the users. I need to understand their emotions and thoughts, as well as develop a closer relationship with them. That was, I believe, an essential topic that I had overlooked for a long time.

Meadow's border with balloons and cloud and the lady with ice cream in her hand.